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It lies just 15 kilometers from Leiria center and very close to other interest sights such as Loulé, Batalha, Marinha Grande, Fatima, the Vieira, and Pedrógão beaches, São Pedro de Moel, Nazaré, Figueira da Foz among others.

Coming from the A1, you should follow the A8 signs and, once in A8, you should follow the A17 indication until you find the Monte Real exit, which distances around 2.5km from the Resort.

You can also choose to travel through EN109. In that case you should follow the signs for Monte Real until you enter the Varzeas Town, where you will identify, by vertical signaling, the Monte Real direction

GPS coordinates:
LAT +39° 51' 5.15';
LON -8° 52' 1.87';

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